Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Discipline of the Artist By the Gallery Owner/Art Consultant, and Author of the Guidebook for Artists, “Living the Artist’s Life” Paul Dorrell’s B

Painting, "Share" by Michael Orwick 18x24 oils on Canvas
What many people outside the arts don’t understand is that succeeding in this gig takes as much discipline as it does for the CEO, Athlete, Lawyer, and Doctor. In many cases it takes more, since you already have the day job, and for your night job your calling happens to be to a calling that we almost never feel equal to, in which we regularly disappoint ourselves, and from which the check is normally late–often by a decade or two. Sticking with something for which you may never get paid–and doing it with full-blown passion for years on end–takes real discipline.
Define “success” how you want, but to me it means succeeding aesthetically first, and financially later–which for most artists simply means turning some form of profit. However you do define it, this kind of discipline is no screwing around. You don’t get there by going to all the parties, hanging out in all the bars, and talking about all the great work you want to do. If you believe in yourself, if your goals are realistic, and if you’re driven, then you clamp your mouth shut and work your butt off. Why? Because you’re giving something to the world that is bigger than you, and more important than you. In a sense you are serving others, and that requires great discipline. The end result will speak for you. Then you can go to all the parties and bars, at least until you start the next piece.
The misconception is that artists indulge in substance abuse, are hopelessly idealistic, and devoid of discipline. This is hogwash. Some of the most disciplined people I’ve known have been sculptors, painters, and glass-blowers. Not only did they work very hard, but man they had guts, laying everything on the line in a risky profession: their finances, their dreams, their futures. Some realized the dream, most did not, but every one of them lived with courage and dignity and often a self-effacing humor. It’s that last quality that will often save your sanity when all else is failing. Oddly, it’s also a quality that can allow you to laugh off your failures, and persevere through to success.
Sure this is a tough life, full of sacrifices and hardship (although not like those of a Vietnamese rice farmer). But I wouldn’t trade it for a million bucks–though I might for two.
Paul Dorrell’s Blog
By the Gallery Owner/Art Consultant, and Author of the Guidebook for Artists, “Living the Artist’s Life”

1 comment:

John Dyhouse said...

Totally agree with what you say. Don't know if I have the committment or discipline to be a good, let alone great, artist but I do what I enjoy and I enjoy what I do - John